Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Again 100% from 3rd december

Now I am back to over 100% profit since 3.12.
Today there are again almost 2% were already safe.
What actually well enough, and who provides long-term 1-2% a day, can claim for himself that he is one of the best.
Everyone must decide for himself what he wants, you have 50,000 - and more available, can be satisfied easily with 1% a day.
If one has only 500, - could you really for the whole of what would need another, has nothing on the page where the time can bridge life until he from his trading account, then you count on any day and the best with 1%, but leads not really a heroic life when one is constantly in other long by cadge must till you if such it can hold out after 1 year its about 18,000 - has traded inflation-adjusted together, of whom not much is because so few paid on debt this has continued to be accumulated over time ...
Accountability needs to be stored permanently, despite 1% return on the day you have is always there as the loser.
The 18000, - in which after a year in view one no one responsible for full, because the one it needs a pump, is a clear, in any case, if he were not, the internet connection would be pasted on all cases, even before passing the year is;)
During the 50000, - on the account of each day also makes its 1%, leads a comfortable life, is not dependent on anyone and can be really happy ...
I mean, everyone must themselves ensure that he achieved what he wants, everyone has a different actual and desired situation, which of course he wants to make the best possible and yet it is of course this is based on the current situation turn to align .
A 500-USD account in 4 weeks to 20,000, - to trade high, that's my goal!
That had always been ...
If I do that, then I've beaten someone.
Each constant gain is nice, but that's what I want, and this is of course, creates not just times.
Someone manages 10% of the day and the constant 1% on the day possible, one must reduce only 90% risk.
Only I know that I at 1% on the day my goal is not achieved, so this is at present not my way.
And just here to announce this goal is safe for many reasons that so each should be known as a slap in the face.
A know there's enough and usually provide less than 1% a day, just as all the analysts who actually yes, give yourself a trader.
The analysis is best, but most fail again and again because they do not analyze the trade what they do.
Or are just too stubborn to realize that the great start right there to make it to their advantage.
Saturated with all the information or projections set, every decision questioned.
And even if do it, since the phrase "trading results from the past, no guarantees are for the future in view."
And just as it is.
What is known, however, is that the market every day offers some volatility within that range and he always offers the opportunity to take advantage of tiny fluctuations.
It is content with very short positions and also to exclude losses from as short as possible.
Utilized by the entrances, would cause a long-term position never win but by the number of trades executed on the day, the CRV is pretty much the same is received as someone who only long-term positions, but over a much shorter period.
My statement here should not be an attack, but it should simply encourage even think about what they want themselves, rather than worrying about which one is the envious neighbor next house makes right, whose life has been always different and never SE trending is like your own, so his views are understandable and of course he thinks it is right what he does.
Everyone has their own goals and therefore should also none of which can persuade someone of a very different objective.
It even applies to find the way to achieve this, no one does all the work.
And I'm doing now from the philosophical part, to the trade again, wish you all a successful day.

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